Crafted by Experts


Why tailored website development is better than Wix or GoDaddy…

Over the years, we have had many previous customers of Wix and GoDaddy coming to us. The main reasons for using us instead of using Wix and GoDaddy are :


With our development, there is complete control over the design and functionality of your website. We can tailor it to meet your specific requirements and build it taking into account your future plans..

We have been told quite often that DIY website companies such as Wix and GoDaddy will allow you to use templates and widgets. But what happens when your need is not met by one of their widgets? Either you cannot have what you want, or you are recommended to use one of their third-party design companies to do it for you, and your cost then starts to rapidly increase.


A custom-built website can be more easily scaled as your business grows. You have the flexibility to add new features, integrate third-party tools, and adapt the site to changing needs because it has been built around your needs, not a few widgets bolted together.


We use the best environment and frameworks to ensure that our websites are optimised for the best performance, resulting in faster loading times and improved user experience on Macs, PCs, tablets and mobile phones.


There is more control over SEO strategies, allowing us to implement best practices for search engine optimisation tailored to your business. For instance, we follow changes in Google’s search engine algorithm strategies and guide our clients to adopt and tailor content to ensure higher placement.


Going with Wix or GoDaddy may look the more inexpensive option initially, but the costs will increase as you will end up paying for remedies to fill in the gaps in their widgets and templates. Your products and services will also take longer to go to market as you will be diverted from your business doing something that we could do better, quicker and cheaper, leaving you to do what you are best at – driving your company forward.


This is the practice that DIY website companies have of using their own software to ‘seal’ in your data and designs, so that when you decide it is time to find a better website provider, it is not straightforward taking your data and designs elsewhere. We don’t use proprietary software to lock in your designs or proprietary databases to store your valuable data, thus making it easy to move your website in the unlikely event that you are unhappy with us in the future.


Over the years, many DIY website companies have come and gone. One of the lessons that we have learnt is to partner with companies that will be here in the distant future. Our main providers are Amazon, Cloudflare and Google. We have nothing but praise for the performance and continuity that they provide to us and our clients.