

Firstly, what is Digitisation? Digitisation is the application of digital technology to everyday business tasks.

For example, a pre-digitisation task such as sending out a staff survey would typically involve

  • Constructing a Word document with the options
  • Sending the Word file by Outlook or another mail client
  • Responses are typically, manually gathered, with very little reporting facility

A digitised way would be to set up the responses in a database, a page constructed with the options and the link set to employees. Each employee would log in and submit their options.

From this, reports can be generated showing

  • The number or percentage of responses
  • Graphs created based on responses
  • graphs generated between these responses and previous responses, showing for example, greater or lower employee satisfaction etc.

We can look at your existing business processes and show you how we can improve them. In many cases, even before the digitisation aspect takes place, we can, if you wish put forward suggestions for leaner fault-tolerant processes.

One last point, efficiency and modernisation needn’t be expensive and needn’t be at the expense of what you see as your ‘cultural fit’. To help the viability of a project, we could even look at Return of Investment figures.